What Being a 24-Year-Old Caregiver Has Taught Me

My caregiver journey started in high school when my dad was hospitalized for a hernia that caused him to stop working and pretty much function on a regular basis for months before his hospitalization. I don’t remember how long he stayed, but it was for a good majority of…

Changing the Narrative

You know how you believed that going to college meant you would be married to your soulmate by 21? No? Okay. Well, that’s the story they told me — sold to me. The AUCC (Atlanta University Center Consortium) is the largest consortium of Black colleges in the world…

Good Mourning

When I was first approached by Strut’s editors about writing about my most recent experience with grief, I won’t lie it made my anxiety peak a bit. Many of you noticed I took a hiatus towards the end of last year. On October 23rd, I lost one of my closest friends…

Mommin' like a Mogul: Keep Killin’ It Mama

From experience, every piece of equipment known to man is accompanied with a manual filled with a step-by-step guide of how to clean, maintain, and operate your investment, right?! Wrong! Everything except children, our most prized investment. Whose idea was that? They’re…