Mommin’ like a Mogul: Keep Killin’ It Mama

From experience, every piece of equipment known to man is accompanied with a manual filled with a step-by-step guide of how to clean, maintain, and operate your investment, right?! Wrong! Everything except children, our most prized investment. Whose idea was that? They’re the absolute most fragile, yet resilient, confusing, exciting, valuable, and intelligent piece of equipment we own. Most times, we don’t even know how to power them down. So, where do we start? I can’t be the only mother wondering almost daily, “How do I work this thing?”

4 Tips to Keep Killin’ It Mama

During my 13 years of parenting, I’ve learned a few tricks of the trade that will help any mom stay on the top of her game and keep killing it mama. Here we go:

1) Never stop enjoying your children

We’ve all heard someone in our family, village, or even on TV say “they grow so fast.” They doooo! So even on the most annoying and frustrating days, find something to enjoy about or with each of your children. From conversation to a tickle session, don’t let days go by without that intentional connection being cultivated.

Phoenicia Claybrooks family photo | Keep Killin' It Mama

Queen Fierce with her three beautiful children.

2) Love each child differently

It may sound a little weird and I don’t mean love one child more than the other. I mean find out how they need to be loved and love them that way! Did you know even children have Love Languages? Finding out each one of your children’s ways of receiving affection can stop you from wondering why this kid responds so differently from your expressions than the other(s). Loving your babies, the way they need to be loved will be so sweet for you and for them! Take a short test that will reveal your child’s Love Language. Enjoy!

3) Take time to recharge

We all have batteries, levels of tolerance, and capacities that absolutely beyond the shadow of a doubt must be replenished and refilled. There’s absolutely no way to pour from an empty cup — believe me, I’ve tried it. We can only give what we have, and it’s our job to do our best when it comes to the maintenance of our mind like getting away for unapologetic rest.

I can’t be the only mommy who feels guilty at even the mere thought of a night away at a hotel or even having a bomb meal without my 13, 2, or 1-year old. I’m getting over it though (lol). Here’s why: I recognize how much better I am rested! I’m more productive, more patient, more present, and definitely more enjoyable. I AM MORE EVERYTHING! Planning breaks and getaways can sometimes get a little crazy but do what it takes to read a book, binge watch a new show, and get that hot, candle-lit bath accompanied by your favorite glass of whatever to keep YOU in alignment. It’s so worth it.

4) Finally, say “NO” when necessary!

Phoenicia Claybrooks lifestyle photo

This one is hard but has been proven effective across the world of moguling motherhood. Say it with me “No.” See not too bad right? You can feel free to use this response to not accept every single invite to every single party that causes stress just to get your sleepy toddler and cranky teenager prepared for. You can even use it to skip a playdate when you notice your house is settled and better off chilling for the day. I know I’m jumping on a cliff’s edge with this one, but you can also use this as a response to this question, “Mom, are you cooking dinner tonight?” Nooooooo, because sometimes ordering in gives you a dish-free night and that extra hour to quiet the house down and rest a bit sooner.

What I really mean is when I say “Keep Killin’ It Mama:”

  • Go with the flow
  • It’s ok to say no
  • Declining invites sometimes don’t make you any less dope of a mother, but it does make you wise and very aware of the temperature of your home

This is only the beginning of my makeshift “How-to Mom like a Mogul” manual, but I hope you enjoyed and are looking forward to the experience unfolding as much as I am.

Here’s to “Momming Like a Mogul” all 2022. Peace & Power!

Follow her on Instagram: @queenfierce_