In times Like These...

Chile, I tell ya, life for me ain’t been no crystal stair! Whoever’s mama, granny, or auntie Langston Hughes channeled when he wrote that poem…! I wanna get in a time machine and give mother a hug and lay at her feet and glean from her strength!

Fallen from Glory?!

When I was younger I was obsessed with celebrities and their lifestyles. I had in my mind that going to therapy was a prerequisite to becoming famous. After all, that’s all you ever heard in the tabloids: “childhood problems” or “relationship problems” and then…

Reality 101: Let Go & Let God

Let go and let God. Sigh, that phrase again! I mean every time I called someone for advice when I was going through, it seemed like that was either their first or last sentence. It bugged me for so long because I didn’t get it and I wondered if the people telling me this…

In the Mirror...

I glared into a mirror, maybe for 20min picking out all my flaws and reminding myself of things I didn’t like. I would beat myself up because I didn’t look like those girls in music videos and my hair wasn’t perfect like those girls on Instagram. How are those girls so…