They say, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” I agree. Adversity by definition means so many negative things (hardship, trouble, difficulty, failure, loss,etc.) to so many different people. For those who do not have a belief system, adversity can present a lot of…
“If you don’t know your worth someone will come along and determine it for you.”
This quote resonates with me because this is an accurate depiction of how self-hatred engulfed me. Growing up I viewed myself as beautiful but when I entered college my self-esteem was on…
Anxiety for me came out of nowhere and hit me like a ton of bricks.
It’s a long story but it does have a happy ending. I’ve never shared it before but I’m ready to now.
Anxiety for me came out of nowhere and hit me like a ton of bricks. It…
Like you’d think by now that I’d have myself figured out. I’ve heard 25 is the mark where you come into knowing who you are, but I promise you I think the age limit for that is being pushed further and further back. I’m 26, own a successful company(we…
What a small word that holds such a huge impact. With all of us, power can take form in many ways. In some people. it can exhibited loudly. In others. can be shown with quiet confidence. No matter what form you hold inside yourself, you carry immense strength through…
I remember sitting at the stop light as the train began to approach in the distance and the gate slowly came down. It was last year, sometime during the spring. It was a pretty day out and the sun was shinning while a nice breeze ebbed and flowed like water through the sky.
Forgiveness.Forgiveness is the gift that I give and send to all the young women who have suffered abuse of any kind.
I would say that forgiveness is one of the most powerful action words available for me to bestow upon you. As a survivor of…
Life is a hell of a teacher and we learn so much about ourselves throughout the years. There are life-long lessons that shape who we are and who we become, but we always have the power to manifest the life we want. Through struggles with career, relationships and even…
We’re coming up to the birthday that I half heartedly joked I’d never make, when I was 17. 27. Most people struggle through their mid-twenties, trying to find their career, the love of their lives, the right home, and the right friends. I’ve struggled to find the will…
Dear Anorexia,
“You came into my life and stole my happiness.”
— Kirsty
I guess you had been hiding in the shadows for a while, following me around, watching my every move. You crept up on me slowly stepping closer only when I was most vulnerable. I…