Heel to Toe: Repeat & Stay the Course

So here we are already halfway through the year. This will either get you excited or overwhelmed because you have so much to look forward to and have gotten so much accomplished, or on the other hand, you are very much so behind. We’ve all experienced both. I’m excited…

Just Breathe

Have you realized how often you restrict or shorten your breathing because you’re trying to focus, concentrate, or because you’re experiencing tension caused by something? I’m guilty y’all! Through intentional investigation, I’ve noticed I hold my breath over…

Mommin' like a Mogul: Keep Killin’ It Mama

From experience, every piece of equipment known to man is accompanied with a manual filled with a step-by-step guide of how to clean, maintain, and operate your investment, right?! Wrong! Everything except children, our most prized investment. Whose idea was that? They’re…