We took a piece of Brie’s story off of instagram, because it’s SO powerful!Often times, we look up to the Beyonces, Kim Karsdashins, and Rihannas because of their physical appearance, their talent… But what have they overcame? How has God moved in their life…
“Throughout my life, I have learnt to push myself, move out of my comfort zone and walk that extra mile,” says Nishita Mantry, CEO of My Life Transcript. Nishita has turned the negatives of her life into positives. Coming from a broken home, being obese and a laughing…
He had a very stressful job (a mail carrier) and I understood that. My goal was to make sure dinner was ready for him when he came home and the kids were quiet. He came home extremely irate one evening so I tried to give him the space that he needed….nothing I did was good…
Here, at Strut, we love hearing stories about how women have overcame a moment in life. For the past month, we have focused on women who have been LIVING UNASHAMED despite what they have been through or going through. While seeking women to feature in this campaign we came…
Have you ever felt so alone, like no one could help you? Have you ever been in such a difficult situation that you felt as though you may never make it out alive? Well, I have. I should have left him right then and there my pride would NOT let me admit to anyone that I made…
Family, Love, Friends, Support, Peace, I could go on for pages on the reasons I have to smile. This is why on April 6, 2016 when I received the news that the lump I found was in fact cancerous I still smiled my brightest smile. Because I knew this wasn’t something that I…
“2014 was embarrassing” as one of my friends put it. I mean flat out embarrassing in every sense of the word. Everything that once made sense, didn’t. Everything I had, I lost. And everything I believed, I questioned.
For starters, I started the year laid off…kinda.
I went to get a facial. I have struggled with hyper-pigmentation and acne all my life that’s the reason I developed a love for makeup. On this day, I was going to get the second of 3 treatments that was supposed break up the dark pigments on my face. I went into the office…
As a female from a middle-class area, I’ve never known anyone living in poverty, I’ve never known anyone dealing with dreadful or unthinkable circumstances, I’ve never encountered extreme racism (towards myself or anyone else) and all sexual orientations have been…