How often do you let a single unpleasant thought turn into a bad mood. A bad mood which eventually turns into a bad day, filled with emotions that lead you to feel like nothing at all is going right in your world? Imagine if you had the ability to control that unpleasant thought.. to demolish it from your mind before it even had a chance to get you “all in your feelings?” What if I told you that you do have that ability? That power! Would you believe me? Well, I’m here to tell you right here and now that despite what you may have been told your whole life, and despite the negative thinking habits you may possess, you do have power over your emotions. I didn’t really comprehend that fact for the longest… I didn’t realize the severity of spiritual warfare, and how much Satan is plotting to knock each of us off of our square all the time.. So, when I’d have a bad day, or when something I had my hopes set on would fall through, I’d let it get the best of me- and slip into a funk…. a bad, bitter mood. “Woe is me… Nothing ever goes right in my world, so I’m just going to sit here and replay in my mind just how irritated I am…”

Sound familiar?

Of course we all know that that’s not the best thing to do when you find yourself having a bad day. It doesn’t feel good. But, I believe that type of response causes damage far beyond your temporary feelings. See, the devil wants you to be discouraged, upset, unhappy, and doubtful. When you’re down on yourself and submitting to all of those unpleasant emotions, you aren’t using the divine power you have against Satan and his evil tactics. Satan knows that when you are fully aware of your position in the Kingdom, and actively speaking against him with the power of God in you, he has no power to win. So those emotional attacks on your mind are intended to blind you from reality or blur your vision. Your mind is one of your most powerful tools, so of course its a constant target that you must learn to protect. Satan will plant a seed in your mind through an unpleasant thought, and watch it grow into full out turmoil. This is nothing new, the devil has been using the same tricks since Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden. Our thoughts affect our attitude/emotions, and our attitude/emotions effect our actions (or lack thereof). Don’t appease the devil by letting your thoughts get the best of you. So what you didn’t get the job you wanted this time. There will be others. However, if you let yourself get all down and out and start to second guess your potential- you may start slacking and miss out on the next best opportunity. And okay okay, someone reaaaally made you mad today- that doesn’t mean you should pout all day, instead of handling your business…While you’re over there mad, the person that got you in your feelings is probably going on about their happy go lucky day and you’re sitting there miserable, missing out on another 24 hours God blessed you with. Here’s another secret, misinterpretation is often the root of so many unnecessary bad attitudes. You hear/see/read something and your brain runs with it. Especially in this text messaging and social media based society. Its inevitable that something will get misconstrued against your favor at some point..Are you going to let that ruin your whole day?..
I hope this is making sense! Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you can never feel emotions or have an off day. We’re only human. I’m simply suggesting that you give try a new approach. It can’t hurt! It’s worked for me time after time again. Although I still find myself in my feelings more often than I’d want to be, I am learning to recognize that fact and snap myself out of it before a simple feeling evolves into a whole big deal. I have big things to accomplish in the Kingdom, and I can’t afford to let the devil knock me off focus every time things don’t go as planned. You shouldn’t either! Recognize the negative thoughts and speak against them. Don’t just assume they have a right to take residence in your mind. They don’t. Think about the positives, count your blessings and remember that everything is working together for your good.

Keep Struttin….