Unmasked: Lord, Will I Ever Be a Mommy?!

Mother’s Day is one day, annually, we honor the moms and mom-figures around world. This year, Strut in HER Shoes is not just honoring moms, but we wanted to be sure to encourage and open conversation for aspiring moms. 

For me, personally, it’s the one time of the year I’m reminded that I may have difficulty being a mom

I was diagnosed with PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) about 4 years ago. First, I had no clue what PCOS was or the side effects. So, like many others – I went to my dear friend, google, who introduce me to webMD. Chillleee, as I sat in the parking lot of the doctor’s office and I read the side effects of PCOS – my eyes watered. In the moment, the mood swings didn’t bother me, the fatigue-ness didn’t bother me, the weight gain didn’t bother me… all I read was “difficulty getting pregnant” and honestly, I felt my whole world crashing down. 

All of my dreams were crushed.

After I sat in that feeling (for years), I truly had to digest the word “difficulty”. What does that really mean? Webster defines difficulty as “a thing that is hard to accomplish, deal with, or understand.” 

Hard does not equal Impossible. 

I had to change my perspective, my way of thinking about it. 

So, I asked myself… 

  • Have I been faced with difficulty before?” 
  • The answer is Yes. 
  • Have I overcome difficulty before?
  • The answer is Heck yea.
  • Can I overcome this?
  • Most definitely.

After asking myself these questions I then asked myself, WHO was on my side? The answer is God. This was a reminder that above all things, with him, anything is possible. 

And that’s on period.

While, realistically, it may not happen how and when I want, it’ll happen how and when HE always planned it to happen. In that fact alone, is where I find my comfort. 

On this Mother’s Day, I want to encourage you. 

  • Maybe you had a plan to have a baby by a certain age.
  • Maybe you’ve been trying.
  • Maybe you’ve been diagnosed with an illness, that makes reproducing difficult. 
  • Maybe you just feel like your time is running out.

No matter the situation… stay encouraged on this Mother’s Day!

  • You are not alone.
  • You are an overcomer.
  • Remember, hard does not equal impossible.

Unmasked: What's Behind my Work Ethic?!

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