Lately I’ve been trying to figure out how I’m supposed to stay encouraged with everything that is happening. I’ve been having more bad days than good days with Fabio while trying to get adjusted to being back to work and this crazy weather. The cold and rain is not friends with Fabio at all. On top of Fabio, life is still happening and it’s been kinda heavy… I’m trying to be strong and let God continue to make something out of nothing.

My family has been getting hit hard the past few months and the hardest part is watching my parents be strong even though I know they are sad, scared and worried. Just last month my aunt who is a 9 year breast cancer SURVIVOR was diagnosed with colon cancer and had to have surgery. Like really devil, you just could not let her hit that 10 year mark? But, my God is so much bigger than any disease, and just like always she kicked cancers butt. She’s a warrior.

God is amazing.

Then today, I find out that my dad’s brother was just diagnosed with lung cancer ( I hate CANCER with a passion). First, my dad’s aunt and now his brother, how strong can one man be??? Seeing the worry and sadness in my dad eyes and energy breaks my heart. I know he has to be strong and not display his emotions but I just can’t imagine how he’s feeling. On the flip side, I have to suck it all up and go on as if I’m not affected because you know know, that this amount of stress will cause Fabio to send me straight to the hospital. And, that’s not an option.

I say all this to say that you never know what a person is dealing with or if they are just holding on by an ounce of faith. When life gets heavy remember to just HOLD ON!! God has a plan and a purpose for your pain and the storm. The rainbow always comes after the storm. Just take it a day at a time, minute by minute, hour by hour and do what you can and give God what you can’t. I encourage you to love on your loved ones because the enemy is coming up against our health, against our finances, against our businesses, our children but WE WILL WIN! We are CHAMPIONS.

Love you all, Tae.