POWER OF ME | Being a Powerful Woman?

I feel as though the phrase “powerful woman” is used so much that it has almost lost its effect. Power in what way? What makes said woman powerful? Who has deemed this woman as powerful? After some thought, I concluded that this phrase is an oxymoron in a way. Women in general are powerful. It goes without saying. Our bodies are capable preforming miracles, and our hearts are larger than life. 

While powerful may be an assumed attribute when speaking about women, I, personally, would have never categorized myself as a powerful woman. I never felt like there was anything extraordinarily special about myself. That’s not to say that I didn’t have high self-esteem, I just simply felt very normal or regular. I don’t think I really discovered how powerful I was until I reached some of the lowest moments in my life. Moments where I found myself broken down, but I decided this would be a coma and not a period. Decisions that, in the moment, felt very weak have proven to be some of the most powerful moments for me.

Forging your own path is one of the most challenging things one can do. By taking a leap of faith and leaving a secure job to pursue a passion,  I realized that I owned my own power. I learned that I was the definer of my destiny, thus my perspective became very different. I stopped allowing the “what ifs” to discourage me from going full force after what I want out of life.

As I owned my decisions in conversations with others, I noticed that people accept you for who you say you are. Insecurity has such a strong scent, and people can smell it from a mile a way. I championed the life that I was building, as well as my decisions. It is during this time of growing my brand and developing that I feel the most “powerful” I’ve ever felt. I’m so in love with who I am becoming as a person inside and out, no makeup needed.

-Meshacherie, xo