To My Strong Black Women:

 I love women. I respect and admire them to the fullest of my capacity. That goes for all women, no matter the race or creed, and yet I’m a bit biased towards my African American women. To me, there are few things more beautiful than a strong, beautiful, and intelligent black woman. Sadly, there are few out there, and they are not appreciated. I just want to say that I see you. I pay attention. I notice you in a crowd. I stand in awe of your perseverance, mesmerizing strength and patience. I stand, taken aback, by your ability to be more than the statistics predicted of you. I love that when the crowd said go LEFT, you went RIGHT. I love that you not only forged your own path, but that the path you forged is a shining example of how to make potential into reality. Yes, I see you.

 I see the intelligence, and the expert use of it. I notice the way that you don’t have to swear to get your point across. Your no-nonsense attitude towards the ignorance that may flow towards you, I respect and admire that. Boys may see you, and something inside of them may stir at the sight of you, but they never truly appreciate the beauty unto which they are looking. The very essence of a woman. The beauty of your spirit is not diminished by the ugly world around you. You have a goal, a dream, and an aspiration. You are a force to be reckoned with.

I apologize for the lack of respect that you receive from my fellow males, they know not what they speak. They often confuse you for girls masquerading as a woman. I apologize for the heartbreak, the tears, the lies, the cheating, and the general abuse that the male society has put you through. You deserve better. I do know that, being the woman that you are, that you have only grown stronger in your determination. You will prevail over all obstacles. Heartbreak be damned! Liars be damned! Cheaters be damned! And still, there you are rising to further greatness.

There is more to you than your curves, the sway of your hips as you walk, or the heels that you strut in. There is more to you than the length of your hair, the clothes you wear, or the respect that you demand. When you walk into a room, you own the show. When you smile, the sun apologizes for trying to steal your shine. And when you are angry…well, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. You can be brutally honest, or blissfully sweet. And I love every bit of it.

So, my dear lady, continue to shine. Continue to be that beautiful soul, that intelligent mind, and that beautiful smile. Continue to be the Queen, independent and strong. Continue to be beautiful.

Thank you for giving a man, like me, hope.


With admiration,

Mr. Baldwin