Have you ever felt like you needed to break up with yourself?
Dr. Michelle R. Hannah says, “The ultimate breakup is the breakup with yourself. When you break up with yourself, it can be positive or negative. It’s negative when you break away from who you really are for the sake of acceptance. It’s positive when you break up with the person you are right now to become the person you need to be.”
Dr. Michelle, outlines “Seven Vows That Will Change your life” in her new book, The Self Vows. Check out her video below as she gives us a little preview into the book!
About Dr. Michelle R. Hannah
EXPERIENCED. CERTIFIED. SUPPORTIVE. Dr. Michelle R. Hannah, through her life’s medical challenges and overwhelming love for humanity, the health, emotional well-being of people and commitment to living authentically- is among the most influential women today. Michelle’s family, education, and personality molded her for life as a resounding voice for the brokenhearted and those that desire to be free.
In 2004, Michelle moved from California to Washington, D.C., and founded the Celebrate Life Foundation. The foundation is dedicated to educating people about HPV, which causes cervical and other cancers. Through its many programs, including Stomp Out Cancer (designed for sororities and fraternities), Teens Against HPV, and the one and only Survivors Pageant, lives are being saved. Michelle is dedicated to providing education and awareness for the foundation’s causes.
Michelle has held several leadership positions, such as an assistant dean of admissions and manager of strategic partnerships. Currently, she is a master relationship coach, author, public speaker, and entrepreneur. She is the proud mother of a college senior who is smart, beautiful, and talented.
Michelle’s remarkable spirit, determination, motivation, and personal experiences are the building blocks of her respect for human dignity and social change. Born and raised in Southern California, she received her undergraduate degree in psychology; her MBA; and a master’s degree in teaching and learning with technology. Recently she received a doctorate in spiritual counseling.
Michelle R. Hannah has coached marriage and family counselors on creating a deeper connection with their client and how to write more engaging curriculum for their workshops, seminars and group sessions. She has worked with support group facilitators on how to organize their sessions. She is respected in her industry and is an accomplished author.
Michelle is a dynamic and electrifying speaker, Audience everywhere reports that they feel as if they are in a personal conversation with Michelle due to her engaging and interactive approach. It’s always a challenge for her to leave because people want to have a session directly after.
Dr. Michelle public speaking spans over 15 years and is the author of The Breaking Point: A Full-Circle Journey and workbook. Her most recent book is The Vows: A workbook for marriage success and understanding yourself is ushering couples and people desiring to be married into a deeper intimacy connection, emotional healing and living authentically. Michelle has helped over 500 couples stay together and live their best life. The Self Vows; Seven Vows that Will Change your Life will be released in March 2020.