Behind HER Brand: Dr. Michelle R. Hannah

Dr. Michelle R. Hannah

Meet Dr. Michelle R. Hannah, a master relationship coach, author, public speaker, and entrepreneur in Los Angeles. We chatted with Dr. Michelle to learn more about her business and how she began in this journey of living authentically.

What is the name of your brand/business and how did you get started in your industry?

Mikel Life Coaching, LLC offers a more holistic approach to coaching the mind, body, and spirit. We specialize in relationships, women issues, couples & singles, retreats, and life coaching. I help singles and couples emotionally heal, connect deeper to intimacy and live authentically; small businesses and organizations connect deeper to their clients; develop team collaboration and obtain lifetime clients & referrals.

I started in the industry doing the following roles: coaching sales reps, HR reps, and acting as a relationship broker in corporate america

Dr. Michelle R. Hannah

Growing up, did you imagine being an entrepreneur? 

No, I thought I was going to be a child psychologist and actress.

In the beginning stages of developing your brand/business, what was your biggest struggle and how did you overcome it? 

My biggest struggles were knowing my worth and being confident about the value of my programs and time. Once I sold myself, I began to sell like crazy.

Do you feel like you are pursuing purpose? If so, how did you know this was your purpose?

Absolutely, this is what I was born to do. I knew it was my purpose because I was spiritually connected to my vision. No matter how many times I was tempted to do something else, I knew I would never be as happy and have so much peace if I took the detour.

What’s the best part of Mikel Life Coaching, LLC? What keeps you motivated to keep going? 

It’s where tough conversations begin & where the inner conflict ends. My motivation is having the choice to keep dreaming bigger, and my dreams are BIG.

As an entrepreneur myself, I understand sometimes personal life can get in the way of business. Have you encountered any personal hurdles that could have or did result in a business pivot? 

I have a chronic illness and dealing with a pandemic definitely caused my business to pivot in a great way. It gave me permission to pause, surrender to a new process, and reset. Basically, I gave myself and my business permission to lean into a “Do-Over.”

During these times, we’ve all had to adjust. How has the adjustment been for you and your brand? 

It’s been uncomfortable, but it has caused me to STRETCH. I actually increased my revenue in the pandemic.

What’s the most important piece of advice you could give to a young woman starting her career?

Consider becoming an entrepreneur. Work and save your money to invest in yourself for your 1st year of expenses – no loans if you don’t have to. Pay yourself first the minute you get paid. Take all the free classes you can and find a mentor who connects to your vision.

Lastly, what keeps you struttin? 

My resilience and chanel.

Connect with Dr. Michelle R. Hannah

Interested in learning more about Dr. Michelle or Mikel Life Coaching, LLC? Follow her on social below and learn about the organization:

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About author


Hey there, I’m Jailyn – founder of The Moxie Playbook. Created in 2014, The Moxie Playbook inspires, empowers and adds moxie to womanhood. Twenty-something millennial women have this outlet to push through life’s boundaries, learn more about themselves, and gain complete joy by providing support, relatable and authentic topics.