My Virtual CouchThe Coaches Corner

Deeper Dive Into Girlfriends’ Joan Clayton

Joan Carol Clayton, there are sooo many things I could say about this character.

Let’s go with what has the potential to summarize it all: she has more abandonment issues than Lynn.

Yep, that’s what it is!

Joan Clayton

She spent a lot of time overcompensating and trying to control situations because she didn’t want to be alone. Of all the women’s adverse childhood experiences, Joan definitely appeared to take her parents’ divorce HARD. I believe, this is what led to her obsession with every detail of her life only to later discover she was not living in her purpose.

Raise your hand if you can relate to that. I find myself saying “the trajectory of my career path” in everyday conversation far too often. Like, my plans even matter. We all know that at the end of the day, the late, great Jesus Christ (and his father) has the final say. You can try to ignore Him if you want to but He will keep speaking to you until you get it together and listen.

Let me change your mind.

Many viewed Joan as the glue that held the group together, but I would describe her as more of a cage. She built herself around her group creating the family that she felt was taken from her. Her love for holidays definitely brought the funny to the show because “Cinco de Mayo is holiday time, holiday time.”

No seriously, she hosted EVERY holiday until Maya forced her to let her. Don’t get me wrong, her intentions were pure and she had a good heart, but she was selfish in her own way.

As proud of it as she was, I wonder what Joan really got out of going to therapy. Dr. Bales did appear to be using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which because of its behavioral component was forcing Joan to be someone she was not quite ready to be.

Reality Therapy

However, Joan probably could have gotten more out of reality therapy, a more friendly, judgment-free approach. This therapy would have shown Joan that she can have control over her life without controlling the lives of those around her. It would also force her to focus on the present and not constantly worry about her future.

If you believe you can relate to having reality therapy, then send me an email today!

Until my next Virtual Couch session,
