People ask me how I got to this point? You know, publishing a book or two, out of what appears to be nowhere…

What in the world made me, Brittney Michelle, decide NOT to pursue medicine AFTER getting my degree. I mean, who does that, right?

Well… I can’t say that I saw it coming either… Two years ago, had someone told me I’d be a published author of two books. the founder and CEO of a non-profit organization, living in Atlanta, and NOT enrolled in someone’s medical or PA School, I’d tell them that they obviously didn’t know me very well… but that’s how life works… You can plan as much as you want, but life has a way of flowing exactly how it needs to. God’s plans for our lives are often much different than the ones we have for ourselves. It’s a beautiful thing though, the journey of becoming who you were created to be… and all of the curve balls that life throws just make the story much more interesting.

I went through a season (or two) where I felt like everything in my life was falling apart.. Like nothing at all made sense… I asked myself, Who Am I? Why do bad things keep happening all of a sudden? How am I supposed to handle this? What career field should I pursue? Who should I date… or not date? Should I follow my dreams, or follow the money? Are my dreams realistic or are they too far fetched?  What am I here on this earth to accomplish?

I just had this feeling like I was supposed to be getting more out of  life…I wasn’t all the way happy, but I knew that I deserved to be… So, I decided to do something about it… It just started to click for me that I had the power to make the most of my life…and that settling IN ANYTHING, only leads to more unhappiness. Perhaps you’ve had that quiet moment to yourself too… where you’ve decided that mediocrity was no longer an option..  That’s what happened to me and exactly what caused me to start writing…

Basically, this book is me wearing my heart on my sleeve, expressing in writing the feelings, emotions, and situations that we ALL go through… In each chapter, I’ll share a different “epiphany” that I had in a particular area of my life… I’ll show you how I discovered my purpose and mustered up the courage to begin to go after my dreams..

The journey from high school kid to college girl to working adult has been a roller coaster ride that no one could have ever prepared me for. There are some things that you just have to experience to understand… I have noticed that we young adults are all going through similar battles, struggles, and phases of life. The people, situations, and outcomes may be a little different, but ultimately… we are much more alike than we often realize… The problem is, most of us feel like we’re all alone and that nobody understands… So that’s where I come in!

Epiphanies Within was the first of many books to be released as I go through this journey through adulthood. I think that it’s so amazing how God works. I’m like the most private person I know. Seriously! I can count on one hand how many people ever know my business or what’s really going on with me. I never would have imagined myself writing a book about things going on in my world. Growing up, I always dreamt of writing fiction books. (which I still plan to do.) However, if I have learned anything over the past few years- it’s the power of sharing your testimony.

We don’t go through tough situations to stay stuck in them. We go through things so that we can overcome them and serve as an encouragement to someone else who is currently going through. Grow as you go!  I hope you stay along for the ride as I share my journey !

written by: Brittney Michelle